Editorial & Lifestyle Photographer Marliese Marie


Headshots! Why do you need them? Why do they matter? Headshots are your first and most lasting impression with the people you want to hire you. Your agent sends an electronic copy of your headshot, and others, in their talent packets when they have a client requesting a particular look for a job. In most cases, you will also turn in an 8×10 printed copy of your headshot at auditions, which is then retained by casting for later reference. What does all this mean? It means that prior to booking a job, your headshot has been your biggest selling point: your face, in their hands, in their inbox, saying “book me I’m awesome!!!”

…at least we all sure hope so, right? We want that photo to work hard for us! So how can you ensure that photo, that single best representation of yourself, is the most AWESOME headshot possible?


Everyone has that one standout color that makes their eyes pop and their features light up, the color that when they leave the house in it their friends and coworkers all comment how nice they look that day. What color is that for you? Find your best colors, then look for solid tops in those colors and complimentary layer pieces. Bring several options in that color family to your headshot session and let your photographer help you choose: color is our jam, it’s what we do all day long, it’s what some of us, like myself, get so distracted by that we miss turns on GPS and forget what we needed at the grocery store. Color is our LIFE. So let your photographer help guide you. I am happiest on headshot session days when my clients bring me the following:

  • More options than I need, at least 5-6 options if we will be photographing two. There are never too many options. If you feel like you’ve moved into my studio for the day you’re doing fine.
  • Layers! I love layers. Jackets, button down shirts, cardigans, you name it, if it brings extra depth and texture to your outfit I want it.
  • Solid colors. Prints are great for comp cards, but we aren’t talking about comp cards right now. For your headshot session leave your prints at home… or bring them so I can say “ooo this would be SO CUTE if we were shooting lifestyle” …..and then still give you a solid color to shoot in (and secretly be sad we aren’t going to play with the cute print thing).  Solid colors. Headshots are taken close in, focusing only on your face, neck, and shoulders. I want casting to spend ALL of their time looking at how killer your eyes are, not wondering what the rest of the flower on your shirt looks like.


I want your headshot to say something about you. Are you funny? Charming? Quirky? Are you edgy? Sarcastic? Sweet? Tell me with your eyes! In order to do that on camera, you’ll want to have practiced off camera prior to your session. Spend an evening in front of the mirror and see what smiles light up your eyes most, or how many different emotions you can create with only closed lip expressions. Experiment with creating as much genuine feeling in your expressions as possible. The day of our session I will coach you through many different expressions and angles, so practicing on your own before we meet will give you an extra boost of confidence as we begin to create together.


Whether you are a man or woman, adult or child, hair and makeup is an important thing to consider for your session. You can choose to do your own hair and makeup or book a hair and makeup artist to join us on set.

  • If you style your own hair and makeup: please arrive to the studio photo ready, but bring your products with you for touch-ups. Powder, hairspray, a comb or brush, lip color or gloss, etc. are all an important part of your kit for the day of our session. 
  • If you hire an artist: please choose an artist your photographer or agent recommends. Just as there are many different kinds of photographers, there are many different kinds of makeup artists. You want to be sure that the artist you choose is comfortable with styles, techniques, and products that are industry standard for headshots. I could tell you countless horror stories from clients who hired artists that had not worked on a photoshoot before, but I’ll just say the worst involved purple craft glue. Don’t do it!! Listen to your photographer! Listen to your agent! We want you to look great and will recommend artists that are highly skilled and experienced with the work flow we need for headshots. 

How should your hair and makeup look? Always only one thing: natural! We want to see styles that would be easy for you to re-create for an audition, styles that look like a polished but relaxed version of YOU. Nothing too heavy or dramatic needed. I want your finished headshot to look like your best natural self, not your best self as a moon goddess. If you have straight hair, embrace it! Natural curls? Own those! Freckles? A scar from that time you fell off your bike when you were 5? Awesome, I want to see all of that in your headshot, because it’s you – and YOU are beautiful.  


Whether you are 7 or 75, I know your headshots matter to you. They matter to me too! My reputation is as a photographer whose photos book work, I care about the images we create just as much as you do. But! My studio is a fun environment. Our session will feel like we are there to hang out, listen to some 90’s boy bands and have a good time. Keep the pressure you put on yourself low! Instead, show up confident and ready to have a great time. Leave any stress about the process at the door, I promise you’re in good hands. Then, let’s get to work and create your best images ever.